Weekly Creative Inspo – 10.01.2021


Creativity is Contagious;

Quiet Places.

A photography book documenting toilets in the Alps. Amazing!

Matchbook Pop Art.

These matchbox arts give me Andy Warhol vibes!

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Book of Waves.

Three 1903 sketchbooks. All containing Japanese wave designs & sketches. This will be great reference material in the future!

Amazon Astro.

Robot personal assistants are going to continue to take over this next decade. Get ready!

Heinz Ketchup Plantable Label.

This is a very cool concept. You can also buy their seeds on their website.

The Wendy’s Phone.

Yes for real. Why? Cause they can.

Two Worlds Photography.

I can’t even imagine the time it took to capture some of these photos. Great job!

Train Cable Sunsets.

Photos of train cables silhouetted by the sunset in Japan.


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