"In February 1981, the French artist Sophie Calle took a job as a hotel maid in Venice. In the course of three weeks, with a camera and tape recorder hidden in her…
Cecilia Paredes focuses on identity by using colorful patterns to camouflage herself and her subjects in the frame. Reminds me of this music video by Gotye! View Cecilia's Website.
James Brouwer, a postcard collector of over 30 years, noticed a strange reoccurring theme in many of his postcards; they all had the same sky! View the Full Flickr Collection.
A collection of wondrous trees, from spectacular to odd, around the world. Visit the Collection. 144-Year-Old Wisteria — Japan Japanese Maple — Portland, Oregon Redwoods — Northern California Dragonblood Trees — Yemen…
Nature photography is always so fascinating. I've always said great photography is how far you're willing to lug your gear and how long you're willing to wait. View all the winners here.…